Carissa’s Story
Hello! My name is Carissa, and I’d like to share how I became a super Mom!
Oh, where should I start…
I got married in 2011, and soon after I found out my husband was not who I thought he was. I got pregnant after 4 years of trying to make my marriage work. Being pregnant should be a very exciting time, but the next day my husband told me he didn’t love me. Even though my marriage was not perfect, I was devastated not knowing how to react. It was heart breaking. This was not the picture I had in mind of how I wanted my life. I knew that after I had the baby I would, most likely, file for divorce. Many things would run through my mind, like how my baby would not have two parents together, or the same home. Everything would soon be gone including my home, dogs, and lifestyle we shared together. I had many sleepless nights.
“This was not the picture I had in mind of how I wanted my life. ”
My pregnancy started off rocky as I was admitted into the hospital for preeclampsia early on. It was so horrible I could cry just reliving the feeling today. I also worked two jobs and pushed myself to exhaustion. I received no support from my husband. He never asked how I felt or offered to help in anyway. I felt so isolated and afraid to do this alone. This was my first child and I wanted to be as prepared as possible. Pregnancy was one of the hardest times in my life, when it should’ve been such an awesome experience. Life as I imagined was being taken from me. Most nights I would lay in my bedroom alone and cry. I was so emotional, and the days became harder and harder. The pain I felt was indescribable. I asked myself, “How would I get through this?”
Three weeks before my daughter’s due date, I started to have extremely sharp pain. I felt so scared and didn’t know what to do. I was up all night crying in pain. My husband didn’t help me, I just cannot imagine doing this to someone. We were basically living separate lives, but this was his baby, too.
The next day I went to the hospital and had to go through an emergency c-section. It was the most painful experience I’ve ever endured, but I was so happy to have my baby, Mia. After the first night, my husband had “things to do” and I was left by myself. I was in the hospital for 9 days because of complications, but luckily, had both sets of parents to help me.
Three months later, my husband and I decided it would be best to sell our home, which sold within 7 days. I moved back to my parents’ so I would have some help, and my in-laws bought my husband a house next door to help as well. The first two years, life was extremely complicated and stressful. I desperately wanted to get into a public school, and my dream finally became a reality in 2018 when I was offered a kindergarten job in a public school. I was so happy, until I lost my job due to covid-19. I was devastated, but I was able to stay home and spend time with my daughter. I have been able to see her and help her learn every day, it’s been a blessing. I am the happiest I have been in a long time. I do miss teaching, but I am enjoying not being stressed every day.
I have overcome many challenges, both in my marriage, and having my child. I was able to overcome these with hard work and staying positive; nothing changes overnight. I have also realized that you should not stay in a relationship or job if it doesn’t make you happy. We should have jobs that make us happy and be with someone who loves us. Never settle for someone who does not bring out the best in you, life is too short! In 2018, I met an amazing man and it felt like love at first sight. I guess you know when you meet the right person. I am so happy. I ask myself, why I did not get out of my marriage sooner? Live and learn…
“I have also realized that you should not stay in a relationship or job if it doesn’t make you happy.”
I’ve had many challenging days as a single parent. I am often alone and have to figure things out, but the challenges have made me a stronger person and a better parent. I absolutely love being a Super Mom and would not have it any other way! I am looking forward to the new memories me and my daughter will share. If you believe and work hard, dreams can become reality!